2012.09-2017.06 中南大学 冶金与环境学院 博士
2008.09-2012.06 中南大学 冶金与环境学院 学士
2020.10-至今 南华大学 资环安学院 特聘教授
2019.10-2020.10 深圳大学 物理与光电工程 博士后
2017.09-2019.10 清华大学 化学工程系 博士后
[1]纳米碳基界面层对金属锂负极表面锂离子传质的调控机制,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2019.01- 2021.12,25万,主持。
[2]局部高浓度电解液分解所得SEI关键组分及其作用机制解析,第 67 批中国博士后基金面上资助,2020.09-2020.11,8万,主持。
[4] 湖南省自然科学基金青年基金项目,“高压锂金属电池中阴离子分解所得SEI无机组分作用机制解析”, 5万元,主持,2024.03.
[5] 横向课题“钠离子电池产气机理研究及新型电解液配方开发”,湖南领湃新能源研究院有限公司;20万元;主持,2023.07.
[1] Li, Y.; Bai, F.; Li, C.; Wang, Y.; Li, T.*, Understanding the Inorganic-Rich Feature of Anion-Derived Solid Electrolyte Interphase. Adv. Energy Mater. 2024, 2304414. (SCI, 一区,IF=27.8)
[2] Li, C.; Li, Y.; Wang, Y.; Bai, F.; Chen, X.; Li, T. *, Developing Diluted Low-Concentration Electrolyte with High Anion-to-Solvent Ratio for High-Voltage Lithium Metal Batteries. J. Mater. Chem. A 2024. DOI: 10.1039/d4ta00275j (SCI, 一区,IF=11.9)
[3] Li, T.; Zhou, Y.; Chen, Z.; Li, Y., Spray pyrolysis technology-based closed-loop for regenerating single-crystal cathodes from spent lithium-ion batteries. Green Chemistry 2023, 25 (10), 4022-4028.
[4] Chen, Z.; Wang, B.; Li, Y.; Bai, F.; Zhou, Y.; Li, C.; Li, T.*, Stable Solvent-Derived Inorganic-Rich Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) for High-Voltage Lithium-Metal Batteries. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14 (24), 28014–28020. (SCI, 一区,IF=10.383)
[5] Bai, F.; Li, Y.; Chen, Z.; Zhou, Y.; Li, C.; Li, T.*, Targeted stabilization of solid electrolyte interphase and cathode electrolyte interphase in high-voltage lithium-metal batteries by an asymmetric sustained-release strategy. J. Power Sources 2022, 548, 232045. (SCI, 一区,IF=9.794)
[6] Li, C.; Li, Y.; Chen, Z.; Zhou, Y.; Bai, F.; Li, T.*, Hybrid diluents enable localized high-concentration electrolyte with balanced performance for high-voltage lithium-metal batteries. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2022, 107852. (SCI, 一区,IF=8.455) (高被引)
[7] Tao Li, Ziyu Chen, Fengwei Bai, Chengzong Li, Yan Li*, Diluted low concentration electrolyte for interphase stabilization of high-voltage LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode. J. Energy Chem., 2023, 81, 404-409. (SCI, 一区,IF=13.599)
[8] Li, T.; Zhang, X.-Q.; Yao, N.; Yao, Y.-X.; Hou, L.-P.; Chen, X.; Zhou, M.-Y.; Huang, J.-Q.; Zhang, Q., Stable Anion-Derived Solid Electrolyte Interphase in Lithium Metal Batteries. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60 (42), 22683–22687. (SCI, 一区,IF=16.823) (高被引)
[9] Peng, H.; Liu, H.*; Li, C.; Li, Y.; Chen, Q.; Li, T. *, Diluent modified weakly solvating electrolyte for fast-charging high-voltage lithium metal batteries. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.cclet.2024.109556 (SCI, 一区,IF=9.1).
[10] Li, T.; Li, Y.; Sun, Y.; Qian, Z.; Wang, R., New Insights on the Good Compatibility of Ether-Based Localized High-Concentration Electrolyte with Lithium Metal. ACS Materials Letters 2021, 3 (6), 838-844. (SCI, 一区,IF=11.170)
[11] Tao Li, Xue-Qiang Zhang, Peng Shi, and Qiang Zhang*, Fluorinated Solid-Electrolyte Interphase in High-Voltage Lithium Metal Batteries[J]. Joule, 2019, 3: 1-15.(SCI, 一区,IF=46.048)(高被引)
[12] Xue-Qiang Zhang+, Tao Li+ (共一), Bo-Quan Li, Rui Zhang, Peng Shi, Chong Yan, Jia-Qi Huang, and Qiang Zhang*, Sustainable Solid Electrolyte Interphase Enables High-Energy-Density Lithium Metal Batteries Under Practical Conditions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2019, 59: 3252-3257. (SCI, 一区,IF=16.823) (高被引)
[13] Tao Li, Xinhai Li*, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, A short process for the efficient utilization of transition-metal chlorides in lithium-ion batteries: a case of Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O1.1 and LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2017, 342:495-503. (SCI, 一区,IF=9.794)(高被引)
[14] Tao Li, Xinhai Li*, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo and Yan Li, A novel NiCo2O4 anode morphology for lithium-ion batteries[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3(22): 11970-11975. (SCI, 一区,IF=14.511)
[15] Tao Li, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Yan Li and Jiexi Wang*, A new design concept for preparing nickel-foam-supported metal oxide microspheres with superior electrochemical properties[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(26): 13469-13474. (SCI, 一区,IF=14.511)
[16] Tao Li, Peng Shi, Rui Zhang, He Liu, Xin-Bing Cheng,Qiang Zhang*, Dendrite-free sandwiched ultrathin lithium metal anode with even lithium plating and stripping behavior[J]. Nano Research, 2019, 12(9): 2224-2229. (SCI, 一区,IF=10.269)
[17] Tao Li, Qiang Zhang*, Advanced metal sulfide anode for potassium ion batteries[J]. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2017, 27(2): 373-374. (SCI, 一区,IF=13.599).
[18] Tao Li, Xinhai Li*, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Qiyang Hu, Wenjie Peng, Robust synthesis of hierarchical mesoporous hybrid NiO–MnCo2O4 microspheres and their application in Lithium-ion batteries [J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 191: 392-400. (SCI, 二区,IF=5.383)
[19] Tao Li, Xinhai Li*, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Qiyang Hu, Wenjie Peng, Synthesis of nanoparticles-assembled Co3O4 microspheres as anodes for Li-ion batteries by spray pyrolysis of CoCl2 solution [J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 209: 456-463. (SCI, 二区,IF=5.383)
[20] Tao Li, Xinhai Li*, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Wenjie Peng, Kewen Zeng, Electrochemical properties of LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 as cathode material for Li-ion batteries prepared by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis [J]. Materials Letters, 2015, 159: 39-42. (SCI, 三区,IF=3.019)
[21] Tao Li, He Liu, Peng Shi, Qiang Zhang*, Recent Progress on Carbon/Lithium Metal Composite Anode for Safe Lithium Metal Batteries [J]. Rare Metals, 2018, 37: 449-458. (SCI, 一区,IF= 6.318).
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